Florida's Top Rated Local® Lawn & Pest Control


Having Proper Irrigation

Improper lawn irrigation results in 99% of Florida lawns issues. It’s important to calibrate your sprinkler system to ensure the proper coverage of each zone. Having a properly functioning sprinkler timer box will allow for more accurate schedule settings. It’s always important to keep the timer box clean and calibrated.

I have found that keeping a schedule of two times a week, an hour per zone to be the most beneficial watering schedule in and around the Tampa Bay area for Zoysia and St. Augustine type of yards. You may need to add extra day during a severe drought. I see a lot of issues where people water for only 10-30 minutes per zone, not allowing the water to penetrate deeply into the soil. Resolving this will allow water to travel deeper into the soil, allowing the roots of the turf grass to reach deeper. This also prevent weeds from sprouting due to the build up of a healthy grass root system.

It’s important to adjust for time of day and seasons. I see lots of people forget to adjust the sprinkler timer box when day light savings occur. Water during night time hours will result in fungus breakouts through out your yard, especially in the cooler months.

These are just some tips to help you with your irrigation needs. Do not forget, proper fertilizing treatments are also needed to have a healthy lawn.